PRHS Clubs & Honor Societies

PRHS Clubs

Pearl River High School enthusiastically supports involvement in activities and athletics as it correlates to high academic performance.  More than 85% of students participate in one or more co-curricular activity.  Students select from an unusually wide number and range of clubs for a school of this size.

Club Meeting Information & Schedules

Clubs A - M

Academic Team

Advisor:   Mr. McNerney

The Academic Team participates in county-wide competitions based on academic knowledge. The team travels to other schools in the county for competitions and the season culminates in an All-County Invitational. Questions cover a wide variety of topics, including pop culture trivia, advanced math problems, science, and historical events.  Team members usually have an overall average of 90% or above. The group meets one to two times per week from November until April. The practices and meets are fun and rewarding. 

Beautification Club   

Advisor:  Ms. Iodice

Students interested in beautifying the school campus are welcome to share ideas and/or artistic skills. This club is responsible for creating and designing the subject specific murals in the hallways among other beautification initiatives.


Advisor: Mr. Casey

DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) is an association of marketing students that encourages the development of business and leadership skills through academic conferences and competitions. Each competition includes a written test over business and marketing information, as well as two role-playing, problem solving events. Students are judged on the basis of their ability to develop and communicate sound, creative, and thorough solutions to the problem situations.  Each year, the regional competition is held at Rockland Community College.  It concludes in an award ceremony for the top 5 teams in each category.  Top 3 teams can select to continue on to the state competition.

English Club

Advisor: Mrs. Perlman

The English Honor Society is for students who have achieved excellence in English based on criteria set forth by the English Department. Students are eligible for induction in junior year based on an achievement in English in grades 9, 10, and the first semester of grade 11. Continuing membership is based on maintaining membership grades. Students may become eligible for induction in senior year based on achievement in English in grades 10, 11, and the first semester of grade 12. Students in the English Honor Society strive to promote better communication and to enhance the motivation of their peers. They uphold high standards in writing, reading and speaking and in personal character. 

Girls Learn International Club  

Advisor:  Ms. Nazario

This organization educates and energizes U.S. students in the global movement for girls’ access to education. It is a national organization that aids Girl’s educational programs around the world. The club has sponsored educational speakers and documentaries along with other community programs to educate others on women’s global issues. 

GSTA / Kaleidoscope Club  

Advisor:  Mr. Sullivan

GSTA provides a safe, judgment free zone for gay, straight, trans students and their allies to talk about issues regarding sexuality, gender identity, safety in school, at home as well as current events.

International Club 

Advisor:  Mrs. Kurzawa

The goal of the club is to support and celebrate cultures of the world. This is done during meetings where we discuss ways to fundraise for local and global humanitarian causes and raise public awareness through community service.  International Club focuses on making the world a better place through the education of current events we face locally and abroad to our student body.  Highlights of the club include hosting our annual International Night and various holidays from around the globe. 

Journalism Club  

Advisor:  Mr. McNerney

Journalism Club assists in the production of the school newspaper, Pirates’ Log, and helps to create content for our YouTube channel, Pirate TV. Members of the club can write articles, editorials, create comic strips, take video and photographs of school events, or make videos highlighting school activities and events. The club is student-driven and members have the opportunity to pursue their interests. Attendance at meetings is preferred, but work may also be submitted digitally.

Math League: 

Advisor:  Mr. Licht

Math League (8th and 9th Grade): 

This is run as part of the American Scholastic Math Association. Participation is open to all students in 8th and 9th grade. Students have the opportunity to answer 7-8 puzzling math questions each meet. Meets take place once a month after school. Scores of the top six students are combined to form a Pearl River team score, which is used to rank us nationally against other schools. Individual Pearl River students with the top cumulative scores for the year are also recognized internally. 

Math League (New York State):

Participation is open to all students in grades 10 through 12. Students have the opportunity to answer six puzzling math questions each meet. Meets take place once a month during lunch. Scores of the top five students each meet are combined to form a Pearl River team score, which is submitted to the State for ranking against other Rockland County schools. Individual Pearl River students with the top cumulative scores for the year are recognized internally. 

Math League (Rockland County):

All high achieving math students in grades 9 - 12 are welcome to join the Rockland County Math League. The League meets one Monday each month from October through March. The meets are held at a different school each month. Participating High Schools include East Ramapo, Nanuet, Nyack, Spring Valley, Clarkstown, Albertus Magnus and Tappan Zee. Each meet consists of various competitions including individual questions, team questions and a team relay question. High scoring individuals can advance to the annual State competition in April, as part of team Rockland.

Math Olympiad

Advisor:  Mr.Licht

The Math Olympiad club coordinates the New York Math League (NYML) and the Rockland County Math League (RCML).  Both leagues are open to all students in grades 10 – 12.  Each league meets once a month.  This year, all meets are virtual.   At each meet students will have the opportunity to try to solve 6 puzzling math questions.  Students can attend any or all meets during the year. 

For the NYML, a Pearl River High School team score is computed each meet from our top scoring students and submitted to the overall State organization.  For the RCML meets, students from 7 county schools participate.  Students work on individual questions and if in-person meets resume, there will also be team questions.

Mock Trial 

Advisor:  Mr. Michael  

All students in grades 9-12 are allowed to participate in this interscholastic academic team, in accordance with state and national rules. With an intense focus on criminal or civil trial procedure each academic year, the same case is worked on for the whole season by teams throughout New York State. Our Mock Trial team competes against other high school Mock Trial Teams in Rockland County before real Judges in the courthouses of New City, through the Rockland Bar Association. The County Champion then participates in the State competition, sponsored by the New York State Bar Association. 

Model UN

Advisor:  Ms. Hohner

The members of the Model United Nations Club research and debate important international, historical, and fictional issues. Delegates have the opportunity to attend a variety of conferences throughout the northeast. Conferences range from mock sessions located within Pearl River High School, day-long conferences at regional high schools, and multi-day international conferences at elite universities. Our club also proudly hosts local schools for our own conference, PRHSMUN. Delegates represent specific countries or individuals as part of a committee in the United Nations. Each conference has various topics debated upon by individual committees, ranging from international crises like nuclear disarmament, ecological disasters, gender issues, historical events, and even problems of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! Delegates research, debate, and negotiate in order to resolve the problems tasked to their committees. They learn and use parliamentary procedure to diplomatically engage with their peers and the chair. Delegates have the opportunity to hone their communication and negotiation skills, both written and verbal. The club meets at least once a week, with more meetings per week as conferences approach. 8th - 12th graders are welcome to attend all meetings.

Musical & Drama Productions

Advisor:  Mr. Hoetzl

Music Tech Club

Advisor: Mr. Evans

The Music Tech Club’s focus is to explore and develop skills in music production, sound engineering, and digital composition through hands-on activities, projects, and collaborative learning experiences. The club provides members with opportunities to learn industry-standard software, experiment with digital instruments, and create multimedia music projects.

Clubs P - Z

Pirate Repertory Club

Advisor:  Mrs. Way

Pearl River’s Drama Club.  A student led group that focuses on performing events and community outreach.  Meetings are held weekly on Tuesdays, and the club runs throughout the year.  Members are given opportunities to see theatrical performances and to perform themselves (either on stage or behind the scenes).  We welcome new people and new ideas.  

Pirates United

Advisor:  Mrs. Canals & Ms. Sens-Castet

The club would exist as a driving entity to research, develop, implement, and promote a culture of change by broadening perspective, educating, mediating, organizing, and facilitating  cultural competency conversation. The club members will be void of judgement in order to accept the existence across perspectives. Club members will work to promote awareness and facilitate a healthy environment around open conversations, respect, and information that raises awareness. The club envisions a working environment that is still driven and facilitated/advised by a team of adults.


Advisor: Mr. Tully

Participation is open to all students in any grade. Students have the opportunity to gain knowledge about robotics as well as get a hands on experience with Robots. Within this club students will be able to take their knowledge to build and program a robot. Those who have been in the club for at least one year will be able to participate in building the Robot for competitions. This club requires students to design, build, and problem solve within the world of robotics. 

Rotary Interact Club

AdvisorMr. Moore

The goal of Rotary Interact is to promote “service above self”.  Students in grades 9-12 participate in a variety of community service activities.  The club has worked with organizations in the county including Meals on Wheels, Toys for Tots, Keep Rockland Beautiful, Operation Gratitude, and Midnight Run.  Club members have the opportunity to participate in a variety of service-based activities that offer a sense of purpose and fulfillment. 

SADD: Students Against Destructive Decisions

AdvisorMr. O'Keefe

This is a national organization with an active chapter at Pearl River High School that stages campaigns throughout the year, particularly during the holidays and other celebratory occasions. We also host guest speakers and conduct programs to raise awareness. Open to all grades throughout the school year. S.A.D.D students also talk to the 8th grade classes about the dangers of drugs and alcohol.  They will also touch on other topics such as mental and physical health.  They are also involved in community activities such as Toy Drive and Blood Drives.

Salt & Freshwater Ecology Club

AdvisorMr. Mullane

The Marine Science Club is open to all students’ grades 8-12. Club meetings are held weekly and members are expected to participate in tank work required to help maintain the classroom aquariums.  The club is a gathering place for students who have interests in oceanography and/or marine biology.  Meetings are varied including, but not limited to: hosting guest scientists, viewing videos and documentaries, debates, sea trivia competitions, fundraising, and working on projects such as hosting a marine science fair or other event.  Fundraisers have included clean-a-thons, dinners, merchandise sales, bake sales, and donations. A major goal of the club is to be able to take field trips to aquariums, beaches, lighthouses, and sea camps (Cape Cod), and similar places of interest where students can engage in authentic fieldwork.

Science Olympiad

Advisor: Ms. Afanasewicz & Ms. Quinn

Teams of fifteen students from grades 9-12 compete in science skill and knowledge competitions. The competitions happen at the regional, state, and national levels, beginning in December. Practice for the events includes weekly club meetings to study specific topic areas of science covered in the competition. Some of the events require construction of mechanical devices while others entail detailed knowledge of facts on specific topics. 

Ski & Snowboard

AdvisorMrs. Lesnick

A maximum of 50 students can go on up to 5 trips to Mountain Creek in Vernon, NJ. This club is open to grades 8-12 and even students who are not going on trips can purchase discounted season passes and tickets through the ski club. Trips run on weekdays. We leave the high school at 3:00pm and return at approximately 10:30pm.

Student Council

AdvisorMs. Hohner

Student Council is an organization conducted by student-elected officers in the positions of: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Grade level officers are elected each May for the following school year.  Members of the student council are the voice of the student body, and plan events that contribute to school spirit and community welfare. They help share student ideas, interests and concerns with the school wide community.

Tabletop Gaming Club

AdvisorMs. Murphy

This club meets weekly and brings students together for gaming without electronic devices. Each meeting will see students engaged in a variety of activities. These include classic and contemporary board games, Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering and other card games. Students work cooperatively and competitively depending on the game. This club is a great opportunity to socialize with your fellow classmates and have some fun learning a new game or playing an old favorite.

Technology Club/Stage Craft

AdvisorMs. Pickering

Open to all students 8-12.  This club works hand in hand with the theatre group, running lights and sound for shows, concerts, and other special events offered here at the high school.  

Tenth Muse

AdvisorMrs. Holihan

This club meets at least once a week beginning in October. All interested students are welcome. The task of this group is to develop a student literary magazine for distribution in June. Selection of poems, stories and artwork as well as layout design are the tasks of this group. 

VAASA: Varsity Athletes Against Substance Abuse

AdvisorMr. Hawkins

This is an organization of varsity athletes. Activities include visiting the middle school and eighth grade classes to educate younger students about drug and alcohol use and abuse. While the main purpose of the club is to discuss substance abuse, varsity athletes also meet to share ideas relating to athletics, celebrate team or individual success, and come up with ideas toward improving PRHS athletics. 

Yearbook Club

Advisor:  Mrs. Johnston

The Pirate Yearbook is a student run/student produced publication. Students who want to be members or editors need to attend regular meetings as well as work on assignments between each meeting. Students work in all aspects of creating the publication. 

Youth in Government

Advisor: Ms. Finnican

This NYS program is dedicated to teaching young people to use the democratic process to affect change that has a real impact on their communities and around the state. teens will learn how to research issues of concern, and propose legislation to improve or eliminate it. Then, they will have the opportunity to put their work before an assembly of their peers for review. Each year, participants in Youth & Government have the chance to travel to Albany and present their proposals to the State Legislature on the floor of the Capitol.

2024-2025 Class Advisors

8th Grade Advisors: Ms. Johnston & Ms. Way
9th Grade Advisors: Ms. Iodice & Mr. Parisi
10th Grade Advisor:  Ms. Holihan
11th Grade Co-Advisors: Ms. Sens-Castet & Ms. Esposito
12th Grade Advisor: Ms. Holihan

Honor Societies

National Honor Society:  Mr. Parisi
English Honor Society:  Mrs. Perlman 
Math Honor Society (Mu Alpha):  Ms. Solicito
Science Honor Society:  Ms. King
Social Studies Honor Society:  Ms. Finnican
World Language Honor Society:  Mr. Hoetzl
Tri-M Music Society: Mrs. Way

Honor Societies Website